Marten - Writer, Maker, Cocktailshaker.

Incredibly awkward autobiographical fan fiction. Start at Dating 404, it's the first entry.

Star Date #6

"So you mean to tell me," I recapped "that after all this sci-fi nonsense we ended up in the same place we left from?! I thought we would be, like, on the other side of the fucking universe."

"I could send you there." The chief interjected. "But there really wouldn't be a point. There's nothing out there. We checked."

"You checked?" I answered. Angrily and coarse.

"Yeah, apparently they can travel anywhere in their minds. And send people there, too." The girl explained. I was really getting tired of this situation and my position in it. Her attitude only made it worse.

"So they ARE telepathic!" I exclaimed, trying to save a little of the dignity I felt I had lost completely.

"Well, in a way. But they're not exactly floating space monsters now, are they?" She answered. Also getting irritated now. (Our first fight, how adorbs).

"Yes," the chief continued, "we checked. We found that other than on this planet there is not a single other speck of life out there in the entire universe, and it's pretty big."

Again, the crowd chuckled a little. Not helping my mood in the slightest.

"Well, in YOUR universe, at least." I answered. Being a smart ass at this point kinda felt like my only and last resort. Although I could sense the stupidity of being annoying to the only people in this entire dimension we had so far encountered. And who seemed to be very friendly and open natured towards us. In a completely foreign world, wearing bowling shoes, one really doesn't need that many enemies.

"What do you mean?" the man asked.

"Well, we did come here through an interdimensional portal in a bowling alley." I said, keeping up my aloof and haughty manner.

"Bowling alley?" the chief said, with a bewildered look in his eyes.

"They don't know the concept of bowling here." The girl helped me.

"Great. So not only did we just travel to a different dimensional version of Amsterdam, instead of going somewhere awesome. We were also guided there by providence for the sole purpose of bringing the concept of bowling to these strange new people."

"You're strange!" A girl from the audience yelled at me.

"You're right." I sighed. "I'm sorry guys, and girls (I interjected, not knowing how militant these people were regarding preferred pronouns and what not), it's been a really weird day, and date for that matter, and I'm just a little confused. You guys are really nice for taking care of us and I really don't know why I'm acting so unpleasant." (I did know, because I was feeling insecure, but I wasn't going to milk that further going all vulnerable on them. Not to that degree at least.)

"That's okay." The chief said, understandingly smiling. "You must be very confused, and tired. Can I get you anything?"

"Do you guys have a drink, maybe?" I asked, in a voice a little too high to extra emphasise my capitulation to the circumstances.

"Sure." Some guy from the audience said, and threw a little tube snake at me. I caught it, and pressed its teeth into my leg.

Marten Meijboom