Marten - Writer, Maker, Cocktailshaker.

Incredibly awkward autobiographical fan fiction. Start at Dating 404, it's the first entry.

Star Date #19


‘Well this is awkward.’ Be both kinda said at the same time.

He started to laugh, I was still just shaking, visibly, physically, mentally. This man was my absolute double! He looked like, well.. Me! But, exactly, visibly, physically, mentally?

How much older than me are you? I asked him.

Haha. He laughed, my laugh. About two and a half years, linearly.

What do you mean, linearly?

Ah ok, well. I haven’t time traveled that much. But I’ve been in a couple of places where time goes slower, sort of. So technically I’m a little bit older still. Both from the day I was born to right about now I’m about two and a half years older than you.

Where you from?

Euh haha, from Earth actually. An alternate dimension. Quite similar, although the colours are a bit brighter. Same timeline and everything, almost a duplicate. Although for some reason overhere you invented tea bags like 2000 years earlier, didn’t do anybody any good, you still had all the wars.

Marten Meijboom