Marten - Writer, Maker, Cocktailshaker.

Incredibly awkward autobiographical fan fiction. Start at Dating 404, it's the first entry.

Star Date #25

I’d landed in a particularly gooey world.

It was mostly purple, with all kinds of green accents. Purple stuff, by default, seemed to be sticky, it smelled weird too, probably poisonous, The green stuff wasn’t plants or foliage, at least not all of it. It just seemed whatever was hard in this world, like a rock, a tree trunk or a coconut, would have some kind of greenish hue. While everything softer, leaves, most of the ground, even the water, had a distinctly purple shine.

Every purple thing seemed a little slimey as well. As if someone or something had melted everything with some kind of weird space ray (I know that doesn’t make any sense but I was holding a space travelling bowling ball for crying out loud, how could I know what kinds of weird weaponry would be out there, in the worlds beyond worlds.)

I wondered how long I could survive in a place like this.

Probably until I got hungry because I sure as hell wasn’t planning on taking a bit out of anything purple and slimey. And all the green stuff just looked like I would break my teeth.

I certainly wasn’t going back either, that smug me bastard and my girl could have each other for all I cared, I had my little interdimensional bowling ball, no idea how it worked and probably a millions and then some jumps to do before I got anywhere near home again.

I didn’t really know how to control this ball. How could I select a dimension? And if I figured that part out, what was my dimension called or whatever? Even if I figured out a way to get to Amsterdam, how would I be sure it was my Amsterdam? Didn’t that me type dude cowboy hunk say he was from an almost identical version?

How many versions were there? My mind started to boggle.

Marten Meijboom